Tin Roof Farm Radio Show
Chef John Malik is Greenville’s first chef with a James Beard nomination. He loves a funky diner just as much as a white tablecloth brasserie and he'll introduce you to your favorite chefs, coffee roasters, food writers, farmers, craft brewers, restaurant owners, cocktail crafters, butchers, and wine geeks. Broadcast from John & Amy's Tin Roof Farm farm in Piedmont, SC, they'll share insight into the growing season, the restaurant business, great meals, raising chickens, and keeping honey bees.
Tin Roof Farm Radio Show
Derek Underwood of SC Agriculture
On July 1st, the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control will cease to exist. Which departments will pick up their responsibilities and who will take over restaurant inspections? That's why I've asked Derek underwood to join me. He's a Clemson grad, a huge fan of our state's fresh fruits and vegetables, and as the assistant commissioner of consumer safety, he's going to be the guy in charge of restaurant inspections. What does that mean for the restaurant owner or the dining public? Take a listen.